How to Provide Water for Summer Birds

To attract the greatest variety of birds to your yard, provide a source of water along with your feeders.

Concrete Bird BathRecommended Baths

Bird baths come in many shapes, sizes and materials, and they can be placed on the ground, pedestal-mounted or hung.

1. Concrete baths are often the centerpieces of well-manicured landscapes. These baths are difficult to relocate because of their weight, and they can become a permanent decorative element in your yard.

2. Ceramic bath styles can range from simple to very decorative. Their light weight makes them easy to relocate about the yard and to clean.

3. Plastic and metal baths are light, versatile and able to be easily moved about your yard. These baths work well with a bird bath heater and, unlike concrete and ceramic baths, they can be used in freezing conditions.

Birds prefer to bathe and drink in different depths of water. Use a bath with a sloped edge or add stones to vary the depth so birds can bathe comfortably.

Place your bath 10 to 12 feet from shrubs so predators can’t surprise the birds. Shrubs also offer birds a place to preen their feathers and dry off.

Wild Birds Unlimited Water WigglerRecommended Items

You will attract more birds with moving water. Use the Water Wiggler™ to create motion in your bird bath and to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the water.

Regular cleaning will help reduce algae and is good for your birds’ health. Scrub your bath regularly with our EcoTough® Scrubber Brush, rinse well, and replace with fresh water.

Attach our WBU Dripper to your bird bath to provide a source of moving water. Many birds will creep down the dripper spout to take a drink.



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